Mar 7Liked by Chris Corlew

storytellers are the keepers of human memory. grateful you stick with blogging out emails, and what you do, look forward to new site.

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hey thanks man! and I'm super grateful for your support these last couple years!

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Mar 6Liked by Chris Corlew

Love this. I remember on the Scrubs podcast people would call in and if they were someone in a financially lucrative career or started that big kombucha company Zach Braff would always talk about how “successful” they were, how their parents must be so proud of how successful they were, etc. Never said that to the nurses, teachers or whatever who called in, which I thought was really telling. I’d say I’ve only felt “successful” career-wise since becoming a teacher! Finally getting what I want out of my work life, you know?

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yes! Success matters in immeasurable ways, like you can't put "was a complete necessity in a stranger's life" in a bank account. And because most rich people jobs aren't actually anything, like if you're in finance you don't make stuff or help people, it's easy to default to "you're successful" because they have money.

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